November 18, 2019 ~ St. Peregrine Laziosi Diocesan Shrine/ Jasper Christian Gambito. On November 16, 2019, the Servite Community celebrated the Feast of All Saints of the Servite Order. On that said blessed day, two deacons, Fra. Ryan Ma. Ipili, OSM and Fra. Ricky Ma. Sister, OSM were ordained to the Sacred Order of Priesthood through the laying on of hands by the Diocese of Paranaque’s Bishop, Most Rev Jesse E. Mercado, DD.
Fra. Ryan hailed from Santo Nino de Mohon Parish in Talisay City Cebu, while Fra. Ricky came from San Miguel Parish in Mahayag, Zamboanga del Sur.
Bishop Mercado said in his homily that an ordination is an exciting event – exciting because undoubtedly, it is a period of grace. He added that the priesthood is a lifelong ministry – a vocation which is no different to marriage. If in the Sacrament of Matrimony, the husband and wife become united, the Sacrament of the Holy Orders unites the presbyter to Christ. The union is based on love and because of this love, the priest shall endeavor to tend the flock entrusted to him.
Priesthood is discipleship. He must become a great discipline for him to become a great priest. As followers of Christ, members of the priesthood are also reminded to follow Christ’s teaching, thus are challenged to imitate what they celebrate. Bishop Mercado also reminded the newly-ordained priests to always seek the intercession of the Blessed Mother whom they regard with utmost reverence as the Patroness of their Order.
Priests are united with the bishop in sacerdotal dignity and at the same time depend on them in the exercise of their pastoral functions; they are called to be the bishops’ prudent co-workers (CCC 1595). Therefore, as the prelate’s co-workers, they are entrusted in caring the Lord’s flock – that is by preaching reverently the Gospel, by teaching the tenets of the Catholic faith and by obeying the Lord’s commandment to pray without ceasing. Also, entrusted to them is the faithful and reverent celebration of Church’s traditions, particularly the Sacrifice of the Eucharist and the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Prior to the end of the celebration, Fr. Ryan Ma. Ipili, OSM thanked all those who took part in their journey to priesthood. Nine (9) years of formation is surely a tedious process, and as human beings, they too fell to sin however he is thankful to God for giving them the grace to continue in their mission to serve others as the Lord’s shepherds.
After the ordination, a reception was held at the St. Peregrine Laziosi Parish Hall which were attended by the family members of the newly-ordained priests, various members of the Servite Community, St. Peregrine Laziosi Parish Ministries and Communities, as well as friends from other communities and congregations.