May 23, 2017 (Montesenaryo sa Lucban, Quezon) ~ Fra. Francis Noel Ma. Monterde, OSM, Fra. Moises Ma. Tamayao, OSM, Fra. Julius Ma. Tayopon, OSM, Fra. Anthony Cao Thanh Trung, OSM, Fra. Kristoffer Joey Ma. Omandam, OSM, Fra. Joseph Le Van Cuong Ma., OSM and Fra. Anthony Pham Ngoe Nam Ma., OSM professed temporary vows last May 22, 2017 at the OSM Novitiate House, Seven Holy Founders Community at Montesenaryo sa Lucban. Presiding the Eucharistic celebration and accepting the temporary vows of the Servite friars was Vicar Provincial of the St. Peregrine Philippine Vicariate, Rev. Fr. Deogracias “Ike” Ma. Alejandria, Jr., OSM. As new members of the Order of Servants of Mary, the new friars professed the three evangelical counsels of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience.
In his homily and message to the professed brothers, Fr. Ike stated that accepting religious life is a response to God’s call and posed the question on how they should live and follow Christ seriously. He further added that responding to the call to priesthood is also answering God’s call to mission as Catholics.
For those interested in responding the call to religious life in the Order of Servants of Mary, please contact THE VOCATION DIRECTOR, Order of Servants of Mary, St. Peregrine Philippine Vicariate, St. Peregrine Formation House, Tunasan, 1773 Muntinlupa City or send an email to