What does really matter in life? What motivates you to get up every morning? You may have been successful in your endeavors but the question is, would they really bring lasting happiness or fruitfulness and meaning in life?

The world is almost – if not yet – at the peak of its success in terms of advancement in science and technology. There is constant progress in almost all fields. Advertisements are everywhere; on radio, television, newspapers, giant billboards, etc. Because of excessive and rapid release of different products/goods brought about by different industries and factories, oftentimes we find ourselves confused or undecided which one is really important. Worst of all, sometimes, we don’t know anymore how to distinguish between “needs” and “wants”. Sometime we are anxious just about our own needs and wants and not about the essential things that can sustain, preserve, prolong and protect life itself.

Many people are anxious about many things. OFTEN TIMES WE ARE ANXIOUS NOT BECAUSE OF LACK OF BASIC HUMAN NECESSITIES (FOOD, WATER, SHELTER AND CLOTHING) TO SUSTAIN LIFE, BUT BECAUSE OF THE LACK OF ACCESSORIES TO SUPPORT OUR WORLDLY LIFESTYLE.  Lifestyle becomes necessary while life itself, secondary. The same problem exists in our relationship with God.

Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon” (Mt 6:24). He is reminding and redirecting us to what is really necessary and essential in life — God. He is the source of beauty, health, and life itself. We have to reconnect to the very source –to God the Father, through Jesus Christ his Son, in the Holy Spirit.

You might have noticed a billboard along South Luzon Expressway that says, “Need Direction? Talk to me – God.” It definitely gives us something to reflect on.

Stay connected to God. After all, God is 24/7 online. Amen.