October 20, 2018 ~ Japs Gambito, St. Peregrine Laziosi Diocesan Shrine. 

Fr. Cayeto Arevalo, a Jesuit Filipino theologian once said that the Philippines is a “pueblo amante de Maria,” a nation devoted to Mary. Indeed, the St. Peregrine Philippine Vicariate of the Order of Friar Servants of Mary testify to this statement by holding the 1st Marian Festival from October 20 – 27, 2018 at the Marianum College Bldg., Jardin de Maria, St. Peregrine Laziosi Parish Compound, to show our devotion to the Blessed Mother.

The opening of the exhibit was held on Saturday, October 20, 2018 starting with an Opening Mass of the Festival presided by Rev. Msgr. Pedro C. Cañonero, parish priest of the Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of the Abandoned in Marikina City, along with Rev. Fr. Leonardo M. Guiang Jr., OSM and Rev. Fr. Deogracias G. Alejandria Jr., OSM as concelebrants. In his homily, Msgr. Cañonero emphasized the role of Mary in our journey to reach the infinite mercy and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. He also reminded the faithful that the Church relies on the Blessed Mother’s intercession towards its goal of attaining perfection.

Right after the mass, a Ribbon Cutting ceremony was held at the Marianum College, thus formally opening the exhibit to the public. More than thirty (30) images and statues of the Blessed Virgin Mary were exhibited through the efforts of the Parish Commission on Catechesis and Religious Education in cooperation with Marianum College as well as other camareros and parishioners who lent their Marian images. The festivity continues up until the evening with a Youth General Assembly.

One of the highlights of the Marian Festival is a symposium with Rev. Fr. Ador Ma. Javier OSM, entitled ‘Mary, Mother of the Church,’ a title which was officially given to Our Mother during the Second Vatican Council by St. Pope Paul VI. This is to be done on October 27, 2018 at 3:30PM at the Parish Hall, to be followed by a Living Rosary. A celebration of the Holy Mass will mark the end of the festivity.