We might be thinking sometimes why people who always go to church and serve the Lord faces more trials and temptations because as we all assumed and expect godly people will encounter less of it. But in our previous Gospel readings we already learned that following Jesus would be crucial. We might also experience persecution and rejection like what Jesus had encountered in Nazareth. Moreover, these lead us to many temptations.

When facing trials and temptations we often utter, “Ah! God testing my faith in Him”, but we are wrong about this for it is written. No one, when tempted should say, “I am being tempted by God”, for God cannot be tempted by evil and he Himself tempts no one” (Hebrews 1:13). It is a clear proof that it is the evil who tempts us. But why would the evil do that? Because temptations can lead to sin and that’s what he wanted because sins pulls us away from God. And the more we grow our faith in God the excitement of the devil to tempt us also grows, for it is so pleasing ti the devil’s eyes to see us rebel and sin against us. In our gospel today, the devil even uses the scripture to tempt Jesus and it’s clear indication that the devil will do everything and attack us when we are weakest so it will be very easy to him to make us forsake God. But what are the possible reasons why we usually gave in to these temptations? For example, the desire of the senses is indeed difficult to resist. because we think too much of ourselves and our own convenience we always wanted an easy life and we always desire for more than what God has planned for us and not realizing that while we’re on the process of aiming more earthly things we are driven away from God. Just like in our generation today, it’s very easy for the devil to tempt us. There are the gadgets and social media as his perfect and effective instruments to deceive us and also take note that he can also use the Scripture to blind us. So whatever temptations we faced, let us always acknowledge the presence of the Holy Spirit. Let us ask for His guidance. Let’s think less of ourselves and our own desires, instead, focus more on what God desires for us. And let’s always resist every temptation, for anyone who endures temptations is blessed; such a one who has stand the test and will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him until the end. (James 1:12).

                                         – Jovs

Source: Neo Jeremiah Voice of the Young Prophet Newsletter – March 10, 2019 issue.