Category: Featured


August 24, 2019 (St. Peregrine Laziosi Diocesan Shrine/ Jasper Christian Gambito) On August 23, 2019, the Servite Community celebrated the feast day of St. Philip Benizi. The mass was presided by Rev. Fr. Deogracias Ma. Alejandria, OSM, Vicar-provincial of the St. Peregrine Philippine Vicariate, and was concelebrated by Rev. Fr. Bryan Ma. Eala, OSM, Rev. Fr. Fred Ma. Biong, OSM, Rev. Fr. Nady Ma. Meren, OSM, Rev. Fr. Edgar Ma. Benedi-an, OSM, Rev. Fr. Jesus Ma. Diaz, OSM, Rev. Fr. Albert Ma. Tulang, OSM, Rev. Fr. Vincent Ma. Badongen, OSM, and assisted by Rev. Deacon Ricky Ma. Sister, OSM.

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Frs Leonard Guiang and Rubenson Cardona Presides St. Peregrine Feast Day Mass at Servite College

Wednesday 1 May was the Feast Day of one of our Servite Saints, St Peregrine. St Peregrine was born in Forli, Italy around 1265 and became well known for his holiness as well as for a miraculous healing from cancer that he received. It is for this reason that he is known as the Patron Saint of those who suffer from cancer.

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282 Recipients of Operation Tuli 2019

Last April 27, 2019, Operation Tuli was conducted at the St. Peregrine Laziosi Diocesan Shrine that resulted in 282 children being circumcised. This is the 6th year that the project was implemented by the Kiwanis Club of Muntinlupa-Rizal in cooperation with the Commission of Human Promotion of the St. Peregrine Laziosi Parish.

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Lent 2025 Schedule

Liturgy of the Hours (iBreviary)



Father in heaven,

May the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.

May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven.

May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth.

To you, our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise forever. Amen.

Source: The Catholic Link

Recent Livestreamed Mass

Prayers to St. Peregrine

Ang Pagpaparangal Kay Santo Peregrino