We are baptized in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Making the sign of the cross is a great way to thank God for our baptism and to remember the Most Holy Trinity in a very personal way.
To reflect the wondrous mystery of the Holy Trinity is an opportunity we all have to adore in a profound way. I have come to realize that being alive with the holy Trinity is a life that we cannot attain by our own free will and intellect; however, we can recognize this special life in our everyday circumstances and through our faith. I see life with full of meaning and purposes. I see God that is present among all of us, I gratefully appreciate the grace and blessing behind circumstances. I pray for myself, for my loved ones and for those who hurt me and forgive them. In the midst of my struggles I know I am being watched by our Lord, who intimately and passionately loves me. A life of love, communion, joy and giving, this life is meaningful and full of love through the Most Holy Trinity.
In return, as Christians and children of God, the grace of Holy Trinity is poured upon us to be united in mercy and love to all of God’s creation despite of all our differences. We are called to have a relationship with the Holy Trinity – relationship of divine love and to be part of divine communion with the presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We are invited to be part of that relationship to live in the love of God sharing joy and suffering together.
We are called to make disciples. Jesus Christ call us to witness God’s presence in our lives and doing our everyday life in a way which reflects the character of Jesus. He calls us to share generously and give love with all our hearts to others, to bring the Good News into the lives of others and to bring His forgiveness and reconciliation with God and one another and recognizing God’s selfless love. It is not enough to know Him but to recognize and to work on our relationship with the Lord first before anything else. As Jesus approach us first to go back and be close to the heart of the Father: we must obey His commands, kneel down and beg His mercy for we our guided by the Holy Trinity.
God grants us grace and peace through our Lord Jesus Christ and pour the love of God in our hearts through the Holy Spirit. In relationship with the Holy Trinity, Jesus gives us the greatest and sweetest assurance to all of us, “I am with you always.”
Source: Neo Jeremiah Voice of the Young Prophet Newsletter May 27, 2018 issue.