June 01, 2017 ~ St. Peregrine Laziosi Parish & Diocesan Shrine. Servite Friars, Vincent Badongen, OSM, Bryan Eala, OSM, Rubenson Cardona, OSM, and Albert Tulang, OSM, were formally received into the Sacred Order of Deacons by the Most Rev Jesse E. Mercado, DD, Bishop of Paranaque on May 31, 2017 – the Feast Day of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

In the presence of the Vicar-Provincial, brother-friars and priests of the St. Peregrine Philippine Vicariate and witnessed by family and friends, the 4 Servite friars were vested with the stole and dalmatic, professed their promises of celibacy, prayer and obedience to the Bishop and took their respective places at the altar.

In behalf of the 3 newly-ordained deacons, Rev Rubenson Ma. Cardona, OSM spoke in thanksgiving to the Most Reverend Bishop, their formators, community and to everyone present who continues to support and pray for them.

When asked on what prompted their decision to be ordained as a deacon, Rev Bryan Ma. Eala, OSM says that it was his desire to continously and totally serve in the vineyard of the Lord that prompted him to be ordained to the Diaconate.

“I feel the joy of having this kind of ministry and at the same time, feels challenged of the various uncertainties that this new life will bring. And to those who are thinking about or in the path of pursuing a vocation to the priesthood or religious life, I say, FOLLOW HIM! He may not promise you an easy way but He will always surprise and assure you of a very good end.” ~ Rev Bryan Ma. Eala, OSM

The Council of the St. Peregrine Philippine Vicariate of the Order of Servants of Mary will then convene and give these 4 newly-ordained deacons their parish and pastoral assignments as they prepare for their ordination to the priesthood.

Ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacons ofFRA. VINCENT MA BADONGEN, OSM, FRA ALBERT MA. TULANG, OSMFRA. BRYAN MA….

Posted by St. Peregrine Laziosi Parish & Diocesan Shrine on Wednesday, May 31, 2017