An article by Mrs Monica Maxwell (Acting) Director of Ministry, St. Peregrine Institute
Wednesday 1 May was the Feast Day of one of our Servite Saints, St Peregrine. St Peregrine was born in Forli, Italy around 1265 and became well known for his holiness as well as for a miraculous healing from cancer that he received. It is for this reason that he is known as the Patron Saint of those who suffer from cancer.
The Servite Friars teach that the lesson of St Peregrine’s life is not that God worked a miracle, but that a faithful servant placed himself, unconditionally, in the hands of God. Peregrine’s trust in God therefore serves as a model for those dealing with sickness.
The St Peregrine Institute, which was founded and is run by the Servite Friars, has been operating for some time in Melbourne as well as in Perth at the Parish of St Denis. The St Peregrine Institute offers support to those who are suffering and gathers regularly to celebrate the sacraments of Communion and Anointing.
At Servite, we celebrated St Peregrine’s Feast with a Mass where around 50 students, staff and parents gathered in the College Chapel. Fra Leonard and Fra Ruben celebrated the Mass together and it was a beautiful opportunity to pray together for each other and all those in our community and families who suffer physically, mentally or spiritually.
During the Mass all present were invited to be anointed with St Peregrine oil and to venerate a relic of St Peregrine. We learned that the anointing with oil has its origins in scripture and is for good strength for the body, serenity for the soul and courage to face burdens we carry in life.
After the Mass, Fra Leonard blessed the team shirts to be worn by Servite students as they participate in the Cancer Council Relay for Life this weekend. The Relay for Life is to honour people affected by cancer, to raise awareness and to raise money for cancer research. This event beautifully coincided with St Peregrine’s feast day. We wish all participants well in their endeavours this weekend.
Mrs Monica Maxwell
(Acting) Director of Ministry