October 28, 2017 – St. Peregrine Laziosi Diocesan Shrine. The St. Peregrine Laziosi Diocesan Shrine hosted the Living Rosary as a culminating activity for the Month of the Holy Rosary. The Living Rosary event was organized by the Parish Commission on Catechesis and Religious Education (COMCARE) through it’s commission head, Sister Rosalinda “Jill” Payuyo.

Originally scheduled to start right after the 6AM mass, the organizers made way the recitation of the Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) and the Living Rosary went underway after.

Representatives of the various commissions and ministries in the parish participated in the said event. Several Servite sisters also joined in as a group forming the cross and Apostle’s Creed segment of the Living Rosary.

Ending the Living Rosary, members of the Youth Animators rendered an interpretative dance while participants offered flowers to the image of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary.

Parish Priest, Rev Fr Pascual Ma. Salas, OSM addressed and thanked those who participated in the Living Rosary, notably the Catechists, members of the Legion of Mary, Mother Butlers Guild, EMHC, Lectors & Commentators, Youth Animators, the Media and other community members. Refreshments were distributed after the event at the Shrine entrance.