Ribbon Placement:
Liturgy of the Hours Vol. II:
Ordinary: 1054
Proper of Saints: 1727
Complementary Psalmody: 1653 (Series II)

Midday Prayer for the Solemnity of Joseph, Husband of Mary

God, come to my assistance.
Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.


The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
In verdant pastures he gives me repose;

The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.

Beside restful waters He leads me;
He refreshes my soul.
He guides me in right paths
for His name’s sake.

The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.

You spread the table before me
in the sight of my foes;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.
Only goodness and kindness follow me
all the days of my life;
and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord
for years to come.

The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.
The Lord is my shepherd; There is nothing I shall want.

𝄞 “The Lord is My Shepherd” by Bill GoyetteMusical Score • Text: Based on Psalm 23; Music: William R. Goyette; Arrangement: Michael V. Guzman and Cesar Marquez; (c) 1997 William R. Goyette; Licensed under Creative Commons


Ant. As they were returning home, the child Jesus remained behind without his parents’ knowledge.

Psalm 123
The Lord is the hope of his people

Two blind men cried out: “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us” (Matthew 20:30).

To you have I lifted up my eyes,
you who dwell in the heavens;
my eyes, like the eyes of slaves
on the hand of their lords.

Like the eyes of a servant
on the hand of her mistress,
so our eyes are on the Lord our God
till he show us his mercy.

Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy.
We are filled with contempt.
Indeed all too full is our soul
with the scorn of the rich,
with the proud man’s disdain.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm 124
Our help is in the name of the Lord

The Lord said to Paul: Fear not… I am with you” (Acts 18:9-10)

If the Lord had not been on our side,
this is Israel’s song.
If the Lord had not been on our side
when men rose up against us,
then would they have swallowed us alive
when their anger was kindled.

Then would the waters have engulfed us,
the torrent gone over us;
over our head would have swept
the raging waters.”

Blessed be the Lord who did not give us
a prey to their teeth!
Our life, like a bird, has escaped
from the snare of the fowler.

Indeed the snare has been broken
and we have escaped.
Our help is in the name of the Lord,
who made heaven and earth.

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

Psalm 125
The Lord, the guardian of his people

Peace to God’s true Israel (Galatians 6:16).

Those who put their trust in the Lord
are like Mount Zion, that cannot be shaken,
that stands for ever.

Jerusalem! The mountains surround her,
so the Lord surrounds his people
both now and for ever.

For the scepter of the wicked shall not rest
over the land of the just
for fear that the hands of the just
should turn to evil.

Do good, Lord, to those who are good,
to the upright of heart;
but the crooked and those who do evil,
drive them away!

On Israel, peace!

Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

Ant. As they were returning home, the child Jesus remained behind without his parents’ knowledge.

READING Wisdom 10:10

Wisdom, when the just man was in flight,
guided him in direct ways,
Showed him the kingdom of God
and gave him knowledge of holy things;
She prospered him in his labors
and made abundant the fruit of his works.

Sacred Silence (indicated by a bell)
A moment to reflect and receive in our hearts the full resonance of the voice of the Holy Spirit and to unite our personal prayer more closely with the word of God and public voice of the Church.

Glory and riches shall be in his house.
And his justice shall endure for ever.


we pray, almighty God,
that by Saint Joseph’s intercession
your Church may constantly watch over
the unfolding of the mysteries of human salvation,
whose beginnings you entrusted to his faithful care.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

ACCLAMATION (only added when praying in community)

Let us praise the Lord.
And give him thanks.

The English translation of The Liturgy of the Hours (Four Volumes) ©1974,
International Commission on English in the Liturgy
. Readings and Old and New Testament Canticles (except the Gospel Canticles) are from the New American Bible
© 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, D.C.. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
The DivineOffice.org website, podcast, apps and all related media follows the liturgical calendar for the United States.
The 1970 edition of the New American Bible as published in the Liturgy of the Hours is approved for use
only in the United States. DivineOffice.org website, podcast, apps and all related media is © 2006-2021
Surgeworks, Inc. All rights reserved.