Neo Jeremiah: Voice of the Young Prophet

Neo Jeremiah is a (1) weekly publication and (2) a group of young people who meet weekly to study and reflect on Sunday readings and gospels.

The publication started and the group was formed in January 2001 on Epiphany Sunday. It was founded by a priest belonging to the Order of the Servants of Mary (OSM).

Through the years, members have come and gone but in total, ~50 individuals have been part of the team. These young individuals in their own time have been active at the St Peregrine Laziosi Parish  ‐ Muntinlupa, serving not only as young prophets as they were fondly considered by the team’s early spiritual directors but also as Animators, Cathechists, Lectors, and Commentators. Members have recognized that their participation in the team had, if not, continues to be instrumental in their formation as Christians, responsible individuals, and upright citizens.

It is a noble and remarkable legacy NeoJ spiritual directors – past and present – are imparting to the youth of our Parish as they continue to assist them in their spiritual growth. They fulfill their priestly responsibilities to these young people, who in turn fulfill theirs as they impart the good news to their families and friends, and even to the juvenile delinquents they visit weekly at the National Bilibid Prison.

This is a testament to how God is working through and among his people!


neo-jeremiahWe are inviting young parishioners to join us in our Bible study and sharing sessions
every Sunday @ 4:00 PM
at the Parish Hall

For more information,
you may contact us:

Globe: 0927-323-6150
Sun: 0932-487-3188
Smart: 0998-854-4091

Reflections by Team Neo Jeremiah

Follower of Christ in Words and in Deeds

As time goes by, the world demands a lot from us. Each generation woke up with certain demands to comply with regards to sustaining what the world requires and the society dictates. No one is exempted to the contagious hypocrisy present among people. Say, we educate...

After Thought ~ 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Jewish tradition, there are 613 commandments. In today's gospel, it was the intention of the Pharisee to test Jesus in asking Him what the greatest is among these. Perhaps, in the the mind of the scribe, if Jesus would single out a commandment, the importance...

To Whom We Belong

Jesus Christ is the master of every situation. He recognizes hypocrisy and exposes with the light of truth. Jesus steadfastly faces his enemies courageously, knowing well what they seek and taking their challenge and beating them on their own game. We, as Christians,...

We are Instruments to Transforming the World

As an educator, I am well aware how influential my profession is. And as I impart knowledge to my students, all the more I feel how helpful I can be to the lives of these people. Outside the four walls of the classroom, however my confidence to engage in the society...

Save the Date. You are Invited! MT 22:1-14

I have been  into many weddings and being invited  is such a great pleasure.  Everybody is prepared, well-dressed and all the emotions are extremely present. The life that we have is a journey of relationship.  In many forms or ways, we engage ourselves with God's...

Consistency of Yeses and Noes ~ 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

God give us freedom to choose what our hearts desire.  But His words teach us to distinguish good from evil.  But His words teach us to distinguish good from evil.  We are always given the opportunity to do what is good, right and just.  We have the capacity to stay...

Heart of Generosity – Matthew 20:1-16

One of the things that strikes me about the gospel passage is how easy it is for me to put myself in the place of the workers who were, at first, felt insignificant to the vineyard owner and easily judge by others. Indeed, it is difficult to put myself in the...

Nature of Forgiveness

It has never been easy for most us to easily forgive the people who mistreated us, betrayed us, sinned against us or in other possible way, hurt us- intentionally or unintentionally. We ask ourselves why someone can possibly do something which is against and...

Conflict Resolution

Brokenness that needs healing first with our unconditional open heart in honest conversations with the one who hurts us.  Our hope must be for restoration to wholeness of the person who hurt and harmed us otherwise their wound remains both in them and us.  Truth and...

Be one with Him ~ 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

It is a struggle to be what God wants us to be nor follow what He commands when we can also be our own Satan in some ways. In the scriptures, Peter expresses His disagreement of God’s plan when Jesus tells them that He, the Son of the living God, must go to Jerusalem...

Lent 2025 Schedule

Liturgy of the Hours (iBreviary)



Father in heaven,

May the faith you have given us in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother, and the flame of charity enkindled in our hearts by the Holy Spirit, reawaken in us the blessed hope for the coming of your Kingdom.

May your grace transform us into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.

May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation of a new heaven and a new earth, when, with the powers of Evil vanquished, your glory will shine eternally.

May the grace of the Jubilee reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope, a yearning for the treasures of heaven.

May that same grace spread the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth.

To you, our God, eternally blessed, be glory and praise forever. Amen.

Source: The Catholic Link

Recent Livestreamed Mass

Prayers to St. Peregrine

Ang Pagpaparangal Kay Santo Peregrino