August 23, 2017 – St. Peregrine Laziosi Diocesan Shrine. The OSM Family, consisting of the Friars, Religious Nuns, deacons and seminarians and OSSM St. Philip Benizi and 7 Holy Founders Fraternities, joined hands in celebrating the Feast Day of St. Philip Benizi, OSM, on August 23, 2017 at the St. Peregrine Laziosi Diocesan & Parish Shrine in Tunasan, Muntinlupa City. The Eucharistic celebration was concelebrated by the OSM priests with Fr Ike Alejandria, OSM – Vicar Provincial, as the mass presider.
Highlight of the celebration was the acceptance of four (4) new inquirers to the Secular Order, namely, Sis. Evelyn A. Titan and Bro. John C. Titan, Sis. Estrella S. Rombano and Sis. Mirasol L. Santos. They will undergo a one-year probationary period studying the required modules of the Rule of Life.
Another highlight was the renewal of commitment of OSSM Promised members of the two fraternities. Fr. Alejandria administered the Rites of Acceptance and Renewal of Commitment for all the Promised members of the two fraternities.
A dinner-fellowhip, where the OSM Family contributed through potluck, followed at the Parish Hall after the Mass.
The St. Philip Benizi Fraternity Council officers consists of Sis. Lota Bulan, Prioress; Sis. Esther Cruz, Assistant Prioress; Sis. Dodette Ante, Secretary, and Bro. Jimmy Tronqued, Councilor.