One of the blessings of having Jesus as our Savior is His ability to comfort and aid those who are tempted. It reminds us that Jesus can understand our own temptations and it reveals how we can be more successful in overcoming temptations. As we start the journey through Lent, the gospel calls us to adopt the same confidence that Jesus had in the face of temptation; God’s word and promise of protection can be trusted.
Temptation uses the trickiest moves covered in beautiful face and action that the evil one can think of. Temptation is common to all people. It should not surprise us when temptation comes at us, either right in our faces or sneaking up from behind. The more the devil has control of us, the less we acknowledge God’s presence.
It will do us well not to forget Jesus’ example, so that we won’t be tricked by the devil’s deception. The devil tempts Jesus to use power to appease hunger; he tempts Jesus to put God’s promise of protection to the test; and he offers Jesus all kingdoms of the world if Jesus will worship the devil. In each temptation, Jesus resists the temptation of the devil with words from Scriptures. Jesus was tempted by the devil, and so are we but trusting God, as Jesus did will make us strong. From Jesus, we learn that God is present and helping us in the midst of test and temptation.
Our own trials and weaknesses have become the privileged place of our encounter with God. We are unable to resist temptation without God’s grace. Our God will never leave us alone. In the middle of trials and tests, God is with us. The word of God, faith and prayer are the powerful tools to say NO to temptations.
Source: Neo Jeremiah – Voice of the Young Prophet – March 5, 2017 issue