March 2, 2017 – Tunasan, Muntinlupa — (Lara Titan/ St. Peregrine Media Office) The St Peregrine Laziosi Parish in Tunasan, Muntinlupa marked this year’s first day of Lent – March 1, 2017 with a number of masses throughout the day and night, imposing blessed ashes on the faithful. The 6:30 pm mass was presided over by Rev. Fr. Leonard Ma. Guiang, OSM. In his homily, he emphasized the meaning of the ashes imposed on our foreheads, signifying acceptance – that we are sinners and we must cultivate in our Christian lives the value of sacrifice and humble ourselves before God. He also pointed out the sacramental symbolism of the ashes that should lead us to receive Jesus in the holy sacrament – the Eucharist.
The first day of the Lenten season is one of the most important and popular holy days in the liturgical calendar. Ash Wednesday opens Lent, the season of fasting and prayer. Its origin comes from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting. This practice includes the imposition of ashes on the forehead reminding us of our mortality, wherein God created us from dust and unto such we shall return (see Gen 3:19).