Have you ever feel that God seems to forsake you? Each of us has our own problems and trials. These may be problems from failures in work, family, relationships that can be just small trials like heavy traffic and being late at school or work. As Christians, God did not guarantee us problem-free life as we chose to follow Him. In fact, as we look back in the previous Gospel narrative even Jesus Himself experienced rejection as He preached the Word of God and obeys the Father’s will; this serves as a gentle reminder to us that it may also occur to all of us. Living in our generation today and following God at the same time is a bit conflict cause sometimes we have to go against this modernized world because it no longer pleases God and this is where persecution and isolation to Christians begin.

Moreover, in our daily lives we encounter problems that we didn’t think we deserved. We often ask God why this is happening to us given that we are praying everyday, we attend the Holy Mass every Sunday and we did not forget to thank Him from all the blessings He gave us. This scenario also leads us comparing our lives to others while having this “I have greater faith than him/her but why I am experiencing this problem” mentality which is not a good mindset as Christians. And the worst part about this is when we doubt God’s love for us and we even accused God to be the one who gave us those problems.

But you know what, Jesus told the disciples “Blessed are you who are poor, because the kingdom of God is yours. Blessed are you who are now hungry, because you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, because you will laugh. Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you, insult you, and slander your name as evil because of the Son of Man. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy. Take note –-your reward is great in heaven, for this is the way their ancestors used to treat the prophets.” And it is very satisfying to hear from Jesus that despite our worries today there is better reward that awaits us in heaven and our sufferings here on Earth are temporary only. So every time we face hardships in life, let’s rely more to God; let’s admit that we need Him in our lives; let us open our hearts to Him; let’s allow Him to accomplish His plans for us; let us not stop believing in Him, instead let’s seek His word more and let us grow our faith stronger in Him for God goes before us. He will be with us; He will not fail us or forsake us.


~ Jovs

Source: Neo Jeremiah Voice of the Young Prophet February 17, 2019 issue.